[T4] Beaten through Space and Time – FU Guide von Sakasen steht unter einer CreativeCommons Namensnennung-Nicht-kommerziell-Weitergabe unter gleichenBedingungen 3.0 Unported Lizenz.
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T4 brought a lot of Changes for Force Users, so thsi contains the new Builds for T4. Changes and important Skills will be explained as well as the Item/Suffix Choice.
*NOTICE: This refers to Dragon Nest Sea– but you can use the additional SP on other versions on skills,that you want to improve.
- General Basics (Skill Explanation & Skill Chaining & Suffix & Potentials)
- Skillpanel
- Crest & Suffixes & Potentials
- Playstyle against each Class
- GvG Preperations
- PvP Build for Level 50
- PvM Build for Level 50
- Videos & any other business
Im not going to explain the Skills as well as Listening some decent Combochains that you are able to pull off. In Addition i provide you with Suffixed and Potentials.
Sorceress Tree:
Glacial Spike – High Freeze Chance, short CD, short Casting, longRange, The only Way to freeze Enemies for FU. Spam this Spell in BT to increase the Damage of you and your Party – in PvP this can be used as Bait in order to make him dodge or freeze him.
Poison Missile – Damage is rather low in PvP, in PVM its okay. Grab Level 6 for 3 Pools and faster Casting.
Mental Mastery - This Skill is Useless, your Skills eat a Percentage of your total Mana. Leave it at Level 1 for Attuned Mind.
Mental Fortitude & Attuned Mind – This Passives are only important in PvP and long Dungeons/Nests. However, if you decide to stick to PvP you have to grab it since you will feel running out of Mana pretty often.
Force User Tree:
Gravity Ball – Without and With Gravity Ball EX it will be your Bread and Butter, short CD, high damage, also average superarmordestruction. Get the Skill Heraldy for that! Notice that the Initial Hit is the strongest one with 100%, followed by 2 Explosion which deal 33% of the Damage.
Triple Orbs – Insane Damage in Final Build, but not maxed due SP-Problems in the 32 and 40 Build. Notice it wont hit knock-downed Enemies without PM in some degree. Notice you can cancel the Skill midway by blinking Back- or Sidewards but not by Blinking forward!
Linear Ray – With some aiming Training you got ~80% Chance to hit,multiple Hits(and Targets!), can hit knock-downed Enemies too. Most Ppl forget to use that frequently, its a great skill even at Lvl1. The Ex-Version grants a bit Superarmor and Control, use it wisely!
Void Blast & Gravity Spark – This Skill can be combined with Blink to increase your Damage and leaving the Enemy no time to gather. Notice it can be casted instantly OR after blinking. You have to make sure in PvP that you make use of this Ability.
Gravity Trap – This Skill is great in 1vs1, it should be used after you knock your Enemy down with Poison or slowed him down with Knight. In PvM it should be used for Bosses, but some are immune against it! Notice leveling only increase its already tiny Damage, so keep it a LvL 1.
Time Stop – This is the reason, why FU are strong in PVP – Great Opening for a Combo, can be dodged with some Timing, so making the Enemy dodging first!
Beyond Time – Quite Strong Skill, should be used in PvP after Timestop and spamming GB and GS. However in PvM you spam GS and your 50 Skill (LC or SG). Notice Force Mirror can increase the Damage heavily, so make sure you make use of it.
Gravity Acension – This Skill is very useful, it keep every Enemy down in PvP, it hits 6 Times, after that you should combine it with Gravity spark to continuously attack the Enemy. However in PvM it should only be used at Shieldmobs or in a Party at the Boss. Notice that some Monster are immune against this Skill.
Spectrum Shower – This Skill is quite amazing, you can clear Dungeons much faster with this and in PvP you can dish out an decent amount of Damage. Notice it does an Initial Hit and the Damage is done after the Circle is full, not before! Combine TS with SS in order to compensate the Lack of SA of this Skill.
Meteor Swarm – This Skill is an Great AOE-SA breaking – disabling Skill. Notice that it doesn't provide you with an Shield and the Area is more on the right Side. Enemies can dodge it by blinking behind you or a bit to your left Side. Stand with your Back to a Wall to compensate this Problem.
Steal Magic – This Skill is amazing in PvP, allows you to grab an EL Iceshield or Acrospeedbuff and so on – its only limited to Requirements like a Shield for Block or Divine Avatar(no Target in DA-mode!). Use this Skill carefully, since it has an rather long Castingtime.
Switch Gravity – Lifts all Enemies into the Air, dealing an decent Amount of Damage. can be combined with Spectrum Shower afterwards.
Combos and Openings:
This going to explain, how you chain Skills with each other and to max your damage. Openings also can beu sed to chain your Combos!
Opening 1:
Teleport/Blink + Force Wave + NormalHit
Knocking down your Enemy, when he havent cast a Skill with much Superarmor
Opening 2:
(Timedodge) + Timestop + Summon Comet /Airkick
Nice Combination, no way someone can dodge that(exept warriors), if Timedodge succeed., Use Summon Comet if he has superarmor, otherwise just use Airkick.
Opening 3:
Nine Tail Laser + Force Explosion +Black Hole
Nine Tail Laser has a big hit-range and cause your Target to be knockdown, when knockdown, you will be helpless against Blackhole. Force Blast is used if he wants toe scape, but being interrupted by that short casting spell.
Opening 4:
Shockwave + (hit by wall)
You can use Shockwave to throw your enemy against the wall, if he hits, he will be knock-downed unless he using aerial escape. Notice when near walls you only use 1 of the 3 triple orbs!
Opening 5(credits to seraphuss):
Gravityball + Normal Hit
There are cases in which Gravityball destroy the SA and making your enemy struggle, however due the long travel time and the low-mid SA destruction i wouldn't recommend to rely on that.
After you knockdown your Enemy: PoisonMissile!!! Time to start your main combo.
Gravity Ball + Triple Orbs(1/2 Ballsonly!) + Blink[Gravity Spark] + Glacial Spike + Linear Ray
Nice Damage-output, Mostly known Combo,for those who just want to know the Combo i added Gravity Spark.
Extended Maincombo1:
Timestop > Summon Comet / Airkick > Poison Missile > Triple Orbs(just 2) > Gravity Spark > Spectrum Shower > NineTailLaser > ForceExplosion > Blackhole
The common Maincombo is used here, but you add Spectrum Shower right after this. Make sure you hit the Initial Hit of SS in order to keep your Target locked down. After that you use Ninetaillaser to keep him either down or knock him down again, Force Explosion makes sure that he will be knock down if Ninetail only makes him tumble. Blackhole is used to keep your combo on, regarding the next step you better look at your CD of your Spells, common to use next is Gravity Blast or Airkick while Blackhole disables him.
Glacial Spike + Gravity Blast + Linear Ray
In some cases you can knockdown your enemy but have poisonmissile on CD. In this cases use Glacial Spike, it has the possibility to freeze the enemy, making him unable to move. Glacial Spike and Gravity Blast have a quite long travel-time so it fill in the time you need to cast linear Ray.
T4 Maincombo [Majesty]:
Timestop > Glacial Spike > Gravity Ball EX > Summon Comet > Switch Gravity > Spectrum Shower > Gravity Ball EX
This is the Maincombo i pull off when i catch the Enemy. Total Damage should be around 50k in Compesation on.
Waiting for Cooldowns(Mostlyagainst Melee):
CD 1:
Teleport + Spamming Short CD Spells(Glacial Spike, Triple Orbs, Gravity Bomb)
If you need to wait for Cooldowns, try to stay behind and spam skills
CD 2:
Gravity Acension + [Blink]Gravity Spark + Linear Ray (+ ForceExplosion)
Grabity Acension is quite nice if you need to wait for Cooldowns, cause it Casting time last so long, while your enemy cant do anything about it. Notice Gravity Ascension does exactly 6Hits, after the sixth one you should imeediatly dodge backwards adding gravity Spark and linear Ray, finishing with Force Explosion.
CD 3:
Shockwave + Linear Ray (+ ForceExplosion)
Nice if someone Melee runs into you without Superarmor, pushing him away and dealing nice damage.
From left to right:
1st Panel
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Timestop, Shockwave, Linear Ray, Void Blast, Teleport
q, e, r, f, c
Glacial Spike, Gravity Blast, Triple Orbs, Poison Missile, Gravity Trap
2nd Panel
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Switch Gravity, Spectrum Shower, Force Mirror, Meteor Swarm, Steal Magic[PvP] / Manticore[PvM]
q, e, r, f, c
Ninetaillaser, Void blast, Gravitytrap, Eraser, Beyond Time
The first Panel consist of low CD-Skills and Skills i tend to spam, the right panel is for low cd and combos, GS and GB are the ones i spam mostly, so they are the nearest ones. Next up is TO, PM and GT - they are used to do the maincombo. Timestop is the next one, if your enemy makes an mistake you grab him instantly. Shockwave followed by linear ray and void blast are against melees, teleport is in both panels, since you need to be ready to escape anytime.
The second Panel consist of the Long CD-Skills and rather situational use - Including Ultimate and BT, they are rarely used. The left Panel is very dependend on situation, so they are on the panel farest away.
Crest & Suffixes & Potentials
For Statcrests i would suggest to grab:
Magician Plate – Magicdamage
Wise Plate – INT
Fatal Plate – Crit
Wind Plate – AGI
Life Vitality – max HP
Vitality – VIT
The last two Slots(or more in other Versions) should be filled with the Aspect of Focussing either in PvP or PvM. The First one is for PvP and the Second one for PvM.
Shining Plate – Phy. Def
Tent Plate – Mag. Def
Blessed Plate - Critresistance
Ultimate Plate – Final Damage
For Suffix i suggest to craft:
Knight in Staff
Restraint/Intellect in Ball/Book/Doll
HP in Upper and Lower Body as well as in Gloves and Shoes.
Mana in Tiara
Intellect in both Weapons or Intellect in Staff + Magic Power on Ball (Perma Matk+Crit bonus)
Lack of Crit → Wind in Armor, otherwise Intellect
Lack of Survivability → Grab HP, amount depends on own Preference(1,2,3,4 Pieces), recommend 2 Psc(Gloves+Shoes)
Even after the T4-Change, i still find Double Intellect viable. Even if Intellect doesnt stack, it doesn't mean you have Intellect all the Time on the Enemy. If your first Intellect run out of Time, the other One will be triggered, so you basically have an longer Intellect Debuff. HP Suffix got really nerfed, however you forget that it gives passive HP, which is an noticeable Amount.
For Armor i suggest:
For Weapons i suggest:
INT/AGI+Magicdmg+Crit / Darkattk+AGI+INT
For Necklace and Earringsi suggest:
For Rings i suggest:
Magicattk+Crit / Darkattk + INT + AGI
Playstyle against each Class
This is the Quint of what youll need to learn to win, you playstyle against the other classes and their openings, this differences the Good Player from the Bad Ones.
Swordmaster: There are two Types of SM – the one type immediately rush in, in this case throw your gravity ball at your feet or void blast him, before he hits you. The second Type try to initiate mostly with moonlight splitter and then goes to melee, in this case keep an eye at him to see the moonlight splitter comes, mostly they wont engage after failing this one. Keep your distance in order to get him down, since he relies to get in near combat to get your down. Force wave, triple Orbs, Nine Tail Laser and Shockwaves are good spells to keep your distances.
Mercenary: Easiest Class to fight in my Opinion, until he gets the chance to fight you close combat. The Distance Spells are mostly punishing swing and bombs away, but they are quite easy to dodge if you keep an eye of them, the key to win is to keep your distances, since mercenaries can nearly endless combo you in melee. The Answer against Iron Skin is Gravity Ascension and Timestop, in need use triple orbs to keep him away, most mercenaries run right into your gravity ascension when they heading towards you, Timestop has to be cast before you get hit and cannot be used to knockdown your enemy with Iron Skin, you can still teleport+blackhole to keep him away.
Paladin: Quite difficult Class in my opinion to fight with. This Class has really much hp in addition also has heal and block, making it hard to get him down. In this case you mostly have to do Hit&Run, timestopping him and knocking him down, the key is to know when he has his block in or not. When he uses Stance of Fate(Blocking all attacks but dont be able to move), you’ll just need to blackhole him, sending out ninetail laser next to knock him down. Paladin mostly using Shield Charge, Paralyze Bolt and Charitable Zap to initiate, the last one is hard to avoid, but the other ones are easy to dodge. As before your key is to keep you distance and get him at the right Time.
Priest: This is quite tricky to fight with, as aggressive play will resume into being electroshocked all the time, since he spams his sticks all the time. The Key is here is hit him as hard as you can with your timestop combo and keep the distance than in order to not get shocked, since this is the key damage from priest. Also these Sticks are really painful, just keep away from them and don’t try to destroy them.
Acrobat: In my Opinion the hardest Class to fight against, can jump 2 Times, Bind you and deal heavy damage with melee combo, making it nearly impossible to escape from that. Since they Skilllevel of your Enemy depends, there’s no real role you can follow, aggressive play is not good, because you’ll just earn that heavy melee damage, so i guess you be good by trying the ninetail laser combo and using timestop AFTER he jumped 2 Times, important to notice – also most acro going to jump when you just get near them, so try out, maybe you get the key by yourself.
Bowmaster: You need to be aggressive in order to get near them and fullfill your combo, since the range skills of bowmaster are stronger than yours. Notice aggressive Gameplay doesn’t mean you just running at him and spamming your skills like an idiot, it means, you need to stay as near as you can by the Bowmaster and still be able to dodge hsi attacks. The Key here is to stick at him, so when he uses a long casting spell you dodge behind him and force wave him.
Elemental Lord: Elemental Lords are known for their big Damageoutput, if you aren't careful enough, hell just kill you with a single combo. Strongest moves are Chilling Mist and Fireball. He also has a shield that grants Defense, but at the Cost of Mana, so he will be quite screwed up when a long battle occurs. The Key here is to dodge his Iceattacks and flame spark, since they are skills mostly EL open their Combo. Great trick against Flame Rod is to cast 3 Triple Orbs, so he'll get huge Damage from that, also Gravity Ascension stops their Spell – care NOT to cast Timestop, since it has quite bugged animation(in my experience), it can happen he just fly straight ahead even if hes timestopped right behind you. After the patch is nearly impossible to knockdown an EL with iceshield, i order to kill the EL you need to use hit&run, meaning timestop+gravity bomb+triple robs will do, since you cant knockdown an EL with iceshield. You can use GA to keep him away or to get time for CD of timestop, try to keep ranged since nearly all skills are close combat. An EL without iceshield will be a free combo!
Force User: Interesting if that happens, its a question of Gear(Ladder) and Skill, who timestopped first, who screw up that timestop? If you can avoid the Timestop, you have a huge advantage, also a huge disadvantage when you fail to hit. You know the Openings, its your own, so there wont be much of explanation needed, notice hitting Timestop first and avoid it is the Key to Win.
GvG Preperations:
I noticed that there’s the need of balancing a Team, since every Class has his own Strength and Weakness - I'm going to introduce the Function of each Class and the Setup i would recommend. Notice that i mentioned some preferences, but you dont have to follow up these like Moonlord is preferred in GvG. Also notice this refers to GvG and not to 1vs1 - The Function and Strength and greatly change in other Mods. Well here we go:
Swordmaster (Close-Mid Range)
SM are pretty flexible with their dash and brush off, Their Purpose is going in fast and out, disabling enemies while being unable to be caught.
Aim: Disabling mid-long ranged
Strength: Disabling, Flexibility
Weakness: Debuffs to a certain extend, Crowdcontroll (eg. Blackhole, Gravity acension)
Mercenary (Close Range)
Mercs have nearly no Range Skills, their IronSkin makes them perfect to rush in and stay without being interrupted.
Aim: Disabling long ranged
Strength: Hardly being Disabled, breaking the backlines
Weakness: Debuffs to a certain extend, Gravity Acension,
Acrobat (Mid Range)
Their flexibility and their escape abilities make it easy to avoid beeing hit by melees, also they can make Close-Midranged struggle.
Aim: Disabling Close-Mid Ranged
Strength: Evasion, Dps-Funktion
Weakness: Debuffs like electrocute, Freeze, timestop, 'bindings', low SA when being hit.
Bowmaster (Mid-Long Range)
Their Long Ranged makes them perfect to interrupt the defenseline, allowing an great opening for the team.
Aim: Disabling Mid-Long Ranged
Strength: Long Range, high disabling ability to a certain degree.
Weakness: Low SA, close range can interrupt them easily.
Paladin (Close Range)
Divine Avatar is a key here, disabling and shocking while not beeing affected at all.
Aim: Disabling Long Ranged
Strength: Electrocution, interrupting, Durability
Weakness: Debuffs like electrocute, Freeze, timestop, 'bindings' - can be ignored through Divine Avatar.
Priest (Mid-Long Range)
The Positioning of the Relics are the key for winning, Miracle Relic is a must have to rushing, since the remove of buff and damage-reduction is a miracle itself.
Aim: Disabling close-mid Ranged
Strength: Heal-, Cure-, Binding-, Miraclerelics are great, Shockingstate can be add as bonus too
Weakness: Knockdowns are a serious Problems for Priest, since they got nearly no skill to stand up again.
Elemental Lord (Close-Mid Range)
The Skills of EL have mostly a short range, but a high disabling power. Make sure you slow in first hand and deal Damage in the second Way.
Aim: Disabling Close-Mid Ranged
Strength: Damage and Slowing
Weakness: Debuffs like electrocute, Freeze, timestop, 'bindings'.
Force User (Mid-Long Range)
Force User can be seen as Supporter like Priest, with low SA they are needed to be at the back, their crowd control can change the game.
Aim: Disabling midranged
Strength: The disabling-ability is without an question unique, meteorswarm, gravity ascension, timestop, all these are key Spells.
Weakness: Due their Low Superarmor they are pretty helpless against strong Closerange - Paladin & Merc
Looking at these Characteristics we can made an Lineup that should having following Classes, Amount is depended on Guild and Strategy.
Frontline(max 3 people):
Mercenary (Ironskin, Calamity Crush, Life Saver, Brush Off, Cleaving Gale[Disabling]) [Barbarian preferred]
Paladin (Divine Avatar, Block, Shield Charge, Stance of Faith, Paralyze Bolt, Heal)
Midline(max 4 People):
Swordmaster (Bursh Off, Life Saver, Eclipse, Block, Cyclone Slash, Halfmoon Slash, Great Wave[AOE!]) [Moonlord preferred]
Elemental Lord (Fireball, Firewall, Flamerod, All ice Skills)[Ice Witch preferred]
Acrobat(All Evasion Skills, Spirit Boost, Falling Star[AOE!])
Backline(max 3 People)
Priest (Heal, Block, Paralyze Bolt, Chain Lightning, Buffs, all Relics, Holy Burst)[Saint preferred]
Force User (Triple Orbs, Blackhole, Gravity Acension, Meteor Swarm, Force Mirror, Timestop, Beyond Time, Gravity Trap)[Majesty preferred]
Bowmaster (All Evasion Skills, Ankle Shot, Rain of Arrows, Guided Missiles)
Considering these Facts, you should pick(IMO):
3vs3 – Priest, Elemental Lord, Mercenary (Considering no Double Classes)
4vs4 - Priest, Elemental Lord, Mercenary, Acrobat (Considering no Double Classes)
6vs6 – 1 Priest, 1 Elemental Lord, 1 Mercenary, 1 Force User, 1 Acrobat, 1 Paladin
8vs8 – 1 Priest, 2 Elemental Lord, 2 Mercenary, 1 Force User, 1 Acrobat, 1 Paladin
For T4 Skillbuilds your have to lookout for the amount of SP you spent into the Sorceress Tree. If you spent only little into the Sorceress Tree you have a lot harder Time leveling, on the other Side if you spent too much into the Sorceress Tree you have an weaker Endgamebuild. what you want to do is keep your Level 15 Irine Quest for the Change at the End, so that you can level a lot better.
PvP Build for LvL 50
For PvP Build its nearly the same for Smasher or Majesty. Key Factors for this Build is maxed Comet and Spectrum Shower as well as your Ex-Skill at Lvl 11. For PvP its important not to spent much into the Sorceress Tree, so thats makes Leveling a bit hard for this Build.
You may ask why im recommend using Majesty for PvP. Fact is, Force User dont do well in Close Range - This is where gravity Ball Ex kicks in, this Spell gives you a huge Chunk of Survivability in thi sarea, while Smasher do little, they increase only the Damage.
PvM Build for LvL 50
For PvM Build i recommend using Smasher, because their avaible SP is actually higher as well as their Damage. Aerial Evasion and Escape is kept low, while the Damage is maxed in the Force user Tree. merry Farming!
Videos & any other business
I Hope you liked this Guide about PVP, Visit me at Youtube (TheSakasen) or leave a message here if you got suggestions to keep this Guide up to time. So then, lets beat them through Space and Time!
Credits: Sakasen http://forum.cherrycredits.com/topic/80898-t4-beaten-through-space-and-time-%E2%80%93-fu-guide/
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